Monday, May 17, 2010

I knew someone would take this angle on the dresses issue

I came across this article which makes perfect sense. And here, a man wants to know why women only wear dresses on Sundays to church.

Women have demanded their right to share the pants' wearing in the home.  She can be boss as well as her husband.  Women no longer need to stay in the home to care for the family.  She can even wear combat uniform while he stays home.  Our society is trying to play fair.  Or is it?  Would masculine men be accepted in mainstream America if they chose to wear skirts and dresses?  Would they ever want to?  Somehow I don't think so.

Thank you, dear husband, for insisting on keeping your role as provider and protector, all the while staying masculine.  Please remind me when my inside is wearing pants and femininity is only seen on the outside.  I know the heart is what matters the most.  I'm glad we both know that what is on the inside should be reflected on the outside.  And that's why we do dress up for church.  And why the girls and I choose to look distinctly feminine everyday of the week.  If we were the last ones on earth wearing skirts, I know you won't want us to alter our clothes just to match our culture.   I am grateful we don't have to try to make everything perfectly equal.  You wear the pants and I'll happily not.

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