Sunday, March 21, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Where is the outcry from feminists over female gendercide?

Technology has the tendency to bring out the worst in humanity.  Ultrasound technology allows many parents the joy(or is it really?) of knowing the gender of their baby a little ahead of schedule.  But for those who have a preference over the sex of their baby, it becomes a tool for murder.  Female gendercide has been occurring in China and India for some years.  One would think that the feminists who campaign for the rights of women would be the first in line to decry this slaughter.  How could they and still be true to their agenda of "every child a wanted child."  If no one wanted a baby girl, the baby girl has no right to existence. 

It must be tough to be a feminist.  To love oneself more than one's own flesh and blood can only bring about the destruction of oneself. 

Naomi Wolf tries to be honest and ends up with the same conclusion that feminists have always is evil to kill an unborn baby, but evil is justified when you're wanting to please self.

God have mercy.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Everyone can do magic

"The pediatrician's wanton prescription of powerful drugs indoctrinates children from birth with the philosophy of 'a pill for every ill'."... "Doctors are directly responsible for hooking millions of people on prescription drugs. They are also indirectly responsible for the plight of millions more who turn to illegal drugs because they were taught at an early age that drugs can cure anything - including psychological and emotional conditions - that ails them. " - Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D., How to Raise a Healthy Child...In Spite of Your Doctor.

All it takes is popping a pill.  It makes your headache go away.  Never mind that death by analgesics (over the counter pain killers such as aspirin and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) is the 15th most common cause of death in America.  (From the Associated Press, 1999.)  Immediate relief from any kind of discomfort that life has to offer can be bought and voila! Magic that you can perform on yourself.

It seems that all the pharmaceutical industry has to do is to market a drug and the populace will buy it and alter their bodies according to what the money making head magicians think up. 

Take a magic pill and you do not have to have children.  What relief!  Married, not married, what does it matter.  Planning is what's important.  If you don't plan to have children, you can have love (I'm being discreet here) and not its God-designed results.  You can have your cake and eat it, too.  Does it get any better than that?  Yes.  The head magicians are never satisfied with the status quo.  They know that if they conjure up another magic pill to get rid of the nuisance of a conceived child, people will buy it too.  Did they ever think that people will be put off by this act of murder?  No, the original magic pill that took care of that desire not to have children has paved the road so smoothly, another pill designed to kill rolls easily by. 

Plan B is now available for free for military women.  Isn't the name of this pill hiliarious?  Plan A = don't get pregnant.  When that fails, Plan B = stronger magic pill.  Just more planning.  If our nation is content to send our women to battle, the next step surely is to make them like men.  Men don't have babies, neither should military women.  Plan B to do more magic. 

Someone I'll graciously not name said, If you don't like your circumstances, change them.  The magicians know that this is what people want.  They are clever.  Their magic sells and people don't even question the morality of any of their ways. 

The sad truth is that every drug has consequences, more than it's intended ones.  The deadliest  consequence of all is that the magic is fake and our souls will reflect that.  Instead of learning to seek God and his infinite wisdom, we want to take the easy way out and alleviate every twinge of pain and inconvenience.  God has the answers for us.  And they are not found in the form of pharmaceutical magic pills.  The Bible is sufficient for all of life.  Search the Scriptures and you will find the answer to combat the magicians.  Wives, accept your calling to bear children.  Husbands, lead your family away from the world's ways and reject those magic pills that alter God's design.

My favorite doctor

is Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.  He's passed away but thankfully his books are still around. 

I am going to quote his books every so often. 

This is from his book, Male Practice, How Doctors Manipulate Women.

"Your doctor won't tell you, so I will: your own bedroom is safer than the hospital delivery room, and the hospital nursery is infinitely more threatening to your baby than a crib next to your bed.  I tell all healthy women, including my own daughters, that they should refuse to have their babies in the hospital precisely because of the potentially dangerous technological wizardry that is available to their doctor there.
I have always told my patients that they should avoid hospitals as they would avoid war.  Do your utmost to stay out of them and, if you find yourself in one, do everything possible to get out as soon as you can.  After working in hospitals for most of my life, I can assure you that they are the dirtiest and most deadly places in town. 
That may not square with your perception of all those glistening corridors and sparkling white sheets.  I'll grant that most hospitals look awesomely antiseptic, but if you examined them with a microscope you'd know that they are not.  They are actually so germ-laden that 5 percent of all hospital patients contract new infections that they didn't have when they arrived.  As a result, they are stuck there for an average of seven extra days.
I am also concerned that the obligatory ritual of placing silver nitrate in the eyes of the newborn-theoretically to guard against gonorrheal infection-may be responsible for the higher incidence of astigmatism and myopia in the United States than in countries that don't perform this ridicuous rite.  It's a useless procedure, and there is no scientific basis to believe that it's safe, yet in may states it is required by law.  I tell my students to comply with the law but to do it by squirting the chemical in the general direction of the baby from ten feet away. 
The fact about the hazards of being in a hospital should cause any person, man or woman, to think at least twice before entering one, except for emergency treatment of injuries or in situations that are demonstrably a matter of life and death.  Certainly it is folly to go to the hospital to have a baby , or even for treament of any disease that can be dealt with at home.  Comparative studies show that even patients who suffer severe heart attacks fare no better when they are admitted to the hospital than they do when they are treated at home. 
The complications that a pregnant woman is told to fear are rarely a hazard when the baby is delivered at home.  Most of them are real, all right, but they occur only because of the things that the obstetrician does to the mother in the hospital after she gets there. 
One complication that the doctor is sure to warn you about is the possibility that your baby will have the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck.  He will tell you that this can kill your baby in a matter of minutes, so he must have you in the hospital where he can deal with the problem in time.   What he doesn't tell you is that it is very common for the baby to have the cord wrapped around its neck, and that is it not inherently dangerous, whether it is wrapped around once, twice, or several times.  However, it can be a serious complication when it occurs in the hospital where there has been induced labor, profuse analgesia and anesthesia, and other intervention and the cord has been unduly compressed.  It is not a good reason for going to the hospital, but  it's a very good reason for having your baby at home.
The same principle holds for most of the other hazards your doctor will use to frighten you. A prolapsed cord is not uncommon in hospital deliveries becaue the doctor ruptured the membranes, but it rearely happens in births at home.  Hemorrhage-another complication your doctor will point to-often occurs in the hospital because of premature delivery of the placenta and for other reaason, but it rarely occurs in the more relaxed environment of your home. 
Your doctor will probably refer to the unsanitary conditions in your household and use that as an excuse to send you to the most unsanitary facility to be found.  He will tell you that there isn't enough technology in your home to monitor your labor properly, when in fact it is the inaccuracy of the fetal monitoring equipment in the hospital that provides him with many excuses to intervene needlessly.  He will say that there isn't adequate personnel at home.  That may sound reasonable unless you know that the multiple vaginal examinations you will receive form the cadre of doctors, nurses, and students in the hospital often prodcue a pathology of their own. 
The interest in natural, home birth is growing so rapidly that the obstretricians and the hospitals know that they are in trouble.  They are fighting back with a cosmetic approach that provides "birthing rooms" with a homelike atmosphere within the hospital environment.  Unfortunately, the cozy atmosphere simply masks the fact that the obstetricians are still doing business in the same old and indefensible way.  A wolf in sheep's clothing may look less threatening, but he still bites. 
American obstetrical practice is the centerpiece of my contention that Modern Medicine is so crisis-oriented that it will invent a crisis if none exists.  Almost every stage of obstetrical procedure in the hospital is part of the mechanims that enables the doctor to create his own pathology.  Once he has created the pathology, he has his excuse to intervene. 
Tragically, it doesn't end there.  The complications produced by the intervention often set the woman up as a candidate for the obstetrician's gynecological practice for the rest of her life. 
Women would find having babies a lot less painful, risky, and demeaning if the obstetrical specialty were simply abolished.  Except for a handful of doctors who encourage natural birth, obstetricians are guilty of perpetuating an unhealthy, unscientific medical disgrace.  As you know by now, I have a low regard for Modern Medicine in general but obstretics set my teeth on edge.  It is the only medical specialty in which almost everything that the doctor does is medically infefensible and terribly wrong. 
I said earlier that doctors have converted pregnancy-a natural,normal, inspiring physiological event-into a nine-month disease."

I'd better stop before I end up copying the whole book.  I wish I knew about his books before I had my first child.  I pray that women would be discerning and trust God and not allow doctors and hospitals to manipulate them into turning their childbirths into nightmares. 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Funny video

Disclaimer: I am not a Republican.  We voted for the Constitutional Party.

It's just funny.  Not trying to make a political statement.  Um, yeah.

I love the people around us

I am so encouraged by the people God has placed around us. 

I have a friend who is such a hard worker.  She recently spent several months renovating a house she's renting out.  She worked and worked and worked.  End result?  Total exhaustion.  That didn't prevent her from throwing a combined birthday party for 2 of her children the day after the house was finished.  I felt very honored to be at the party.  I had the pleasure of seeing her mother again.  This lovely woman is 68 years old and spent many a day helping her daughter renovate the house.  My friend said that she couldn't have finished up with the house on time without her mother's tireless help.  I found out that doing hard physical work isn't that unusual for this interesting lady.  She crawls under her house to fix pipes.  She birthed 8 children in 8 years.  Enough said.

I may have already written about this family I'd like to share but it would be good to share again.  The father suffered a stroke.  What did the father's children do?  They wanted to love the father.  Close by.  How close?  In the house close.  The father lived in Texas.  As did a daughter who was single.  The decision was made to relocate both father and daughter to North Carolina where another daughter lived with her family.  God blessed.  The father and daughter moved into a house next door to the other daughter's house.  The single daughter gave up her job and became chief care giver of her father.  I didn't say that right.  She exchanged a mundane work for an eternal one.  She certainly didn't bear the burden alone, though.  Her sister and her sister's husband and all of the sister's children all cared for the elderly beloved man.  He spent the last 2 years of his life surrounded by family.  They were with him to the very end.  I don't know why God allowed the stroke to cripple this dear man.  I do know that God used this for good.  He brought a family together.  This family didn't profit alone.  Their church witnessed what honoring one's parents looks like and that time spent together is so very precious and worth moving for.  After the passing of the father, did the single daughter move back to her original abode in Texas?  She kept the riches she gained.  She still lives next door to her sister.  I just saw them recently at a baby shower and they were so much fun.  They were like best friends.  Hmmm.  Maybe they are best friends.  They didn't wait until they got really old to decide to spend time together.  That is just rich.  No money in the world can match the time spent together with those you love. 

And then there's my husband.  May I brag on my own husband?  No, I won't.  I'll just tell it like it is.  He is going to help his parents with some renovations on their house.  He'll have to fly to get to their house but what's a plane ticket?  Money well spent. 

When we get older, I pray that our children will follow suit and decide that spending time with us is of utmost importance.  I hope they know why we spend all day teaching them and all night reading to them.  We want to reap the rewards of our investment.  How sad that there are parents who invest half heartedly and are surprised when their investments yield such little return in their adult children.  The Bible promises that children are a blessing.  God, please make us to be a blessing to our children first so that we will continue to receive your promises and enjoy the blessing of our children to the end of our earthly lives.

Friday, March 12, 2010

God gave us words

so we could reflect Him.

This is good writing.