Monday, November 15, 2010

Baby is 35 weeks

Baby is still active and moving all around so I doubt delivery is imminent.  I think 2-4 more weeks and we'll get to meet this new little one.

I was pondering about Romans 8:28.  Does it really mean all things as in everything that happens in a believer's life?  Does it mean that even though childbirth is very hard because of the Fall, God will use even the pain of contractions for good?  And we don't have to opt out on that pain but if we relied on God to truly deliver us, we can have a miraculous birth?  I believe so.  I believe God is good, even after pronouncing judgment on mankind, and He gives us grace to endure what's hard and seemingly beyond what we can endure.

I am greatly comforted by God's promises that I don't have to accomplish anything on my own strength.  It is God who will shoulder the burden if I don't fret and allow fear to overcome my task at hand.    I was thinking over what fears I may be harboring with this birth.  I don't think I really have much of a list.  I would like a shorter birth than Noble's birth but I am not really fearful of another long labor.  Chris and I were talking about whether to go to the Urgent Care 5 minutes away or to the Base Hospital if I needed to transfer.  That would be terribly sad, but I don't think I am really fearful of that happening.  I don't believe that I am immune from problems arising in labor.  Believing childbirth to be a normal non-medical event doesn't mean that I also believe that nothing will ever go wrong.  If I wanted to really become fearful, I could imagine all sorts of things that could go wrong and dwell on those possibilities.  Instead I will pray for peace and a joyful anticipation of this baby's birth.  God is still in control and all is well with me.