Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The blessings of a church family

We belong to a very small church.  We do have regular visiting families, but the core consists of  7 families.  We have one church service a week.  That hardly prevents the families from getting together for prayer fellowships and every other kind of fellowship.

Chris can rest assured that the church is ministering to us while he is gone.  A family asked us over on my birthday.  They made time for us in the middle of the week and treated us royally.  My friend even gave me a massage!  I was so blessed.

Then the pastor had us over after church.  This is not the type of church where the pastor needs to rest from his flock.  :)

Another family asked me to have all the children go over to play so I can do whatever I needed to do without tending to my children for a day.

We didn't get this type of attention when we went to much bigger churches.  Some things are better smaller, I think.

I am so thankful that God put us in a church family where ministering to one another is something that is taught and modeled and embraced.

It doesn't matter how good the teaching of a church is if the people were too busy for each other.  But then again, maybe it's the teaching that allows that to happen.

If one is not loved in their church, there is something seriously wrong.  How can God's love be manifested if not through His people?

We don't have anything kind of programs going on in our church, but even the 4 year olds can recite memory verses.  We don't have a nursery even though there are plenty of little ones.  All that's needed is people who love God enough to love and be responsible for their families and want to minister to other families.

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