Thursday, December 31, 2009

The ways of worship

For quite some time I have been thinking about 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. About 7 years ago, I asked our pastor how he interprets that passage. He referred me to some commentaries that said that the headcovering for the woman is her hair. Her long hair. Ok. Fair enough. But why aren't women taught to have long hair? For me, the hair length issue is an easy one to see that it does deal with submission. When I was first married, Chris wanted me to grow my hair long. I never would. I kept getting it cut. I would not submit to him...until I came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

Here is a pastor's interpretation that differs from what I was told many years ago. What is this modern woman going to do with this passage? Nothing or seek the Holy Spirit for wisdom? It would definitely be easier to do nothing. I pray if I do nothing, it will be by the prompting of the Spirit and not the fear of man.