Friday, January 15, 2010

Where can I save?

I was wondering if I can pay less on our cable internet bill a month ago.  I decided to just call and see what they say.  The service representative said, "Sure thing!  Would you like to pay $30, instead of $55 a month?"  Um...ok.  And all I had to do was to call and ask to pay less?  Yep.

I don't think we need to pay to watch movies anymore.  Netflix is nice, but not $10 a month nice, especially when I have to work at finding good movies to put in my queue.  And I don't like feeling forced to watch a movie the day the movie arrives so that I can put it in the mail the next day.  I sometimes will forgo being thrifty to hang on to a movie for a few days, but then it's definitely too much to pay the $10 when I only do a couple of movies a month. 

The library has free movies.  And I do mean free.  Like in free to keep.  We went to the library a couple of days ago and I saw a DVD on the free shelf.  There wasn't a cover on the case so I almost didn't pick it up to look inside.  It was the movie, Pendragon.  I was very interested in that movie and nearly bought the movie from visionforum a few days ago.  God is a great giver.  He will give exactly what we want, many times when we wait on Him. 

There are free redbox codes all the time.  Good thing the selection is very limited.  We don't have as much time to read when we watch movies too much.

Is it necessary to try to save as much as possible?  I think the effort is worth it.  I want to give more at church.  I want to be able to give our children the best possible start before they leave home.  Could we help them with their future homes?  I sure hope so.  I'd like to think that our children would not have to be indebted to the bank for as long as 30 years. 

I believe preparing our children to start their married lives well and leaving them a godly as well as a financial heritage is biblical.

No, we can't take anything with us.  What do we do with what we leave behind?  Hopefully, there are children that will continue our vision of multi-generational faithfulness.

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