Friday, January 22, 2010

Let's get!

There are always reasons why we can't have friends over.  Usually it's the house.

I've decided hospitality is just too good of a command to put off.  I will look for reasons to ask friends over.

I went to the store on Wednesday and bought quite a bit of french bread and organic salad because they were both on sale.  Since I have so much good food in the house, we needed friends over to help us eat it! 

What does it matter that we didn't give our friends too much notice.  What does it matter that Thursday is a weekday.  What does it matter that the house is not quite cleaned.  It probably won't ever be.  Maybe just before we move.  :) 

How blessed we were to spend a few precious hours fellowshipping with sweet friends.

Don't put off what you can do now.

Use hospitality one to another without grudging.  I Peter 4:9

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