Saturday, January 2, 2010

Good news about birth control

Yaz/Yasmin birth control pill takers may win a lawsuit!  Life-threatening symptoms and death have resulted from the users of this drug.  Of course this is nothing new about the BCP, but isn't it nice that there are lawyers out there helping women become aware of the dangers of chemical birth control?  It seems that it's the lawyers who are most effective at making sense out of all the propaganda.   I talked with a friend who said that her Christian doctor said there are no problems with the BCP.  We had a pastor whose comment about the BCP being an issue between the couple and God.  A well educated Christian said that his wife has thoroughly researched the BCP and found it to be safe and he is not concerned about it's health effects or moral implications.  Christians don't seem to care much about the history of the BCP.

One would think that after 40 years since the Pill's been on the market that it would now become safe and problem free.  Too bad that besides being harmful to women, it's harmful to the baby that was conceived while the mother was on the drug.  Harmful meaning, aborted. 

Another good news!  I am not the only person who knows this about the BCP!

There is a website that also knows!

And of course, Dr. Mercola, gives secular warnings.

Another website.

And another.

One more.

Christian doctors who speak out against the BCP.

The above websites were found during a cursory search on the internet.  The warnings seem to be out there.  Why are not Christian women heeding?  Maybe it comes down to the trust that people put in the medical establishment.  If doctors can prescribe it, it must be ok for me.  If the Christian culture does not speak against it, it must be ok. 

Too many women have died.  How many babies have been aborted?  Does it matter? 

Yes, but, I don't want to be contentious.  So, I don't want to talk about it.  Surely that is not reason for being silent. 

Dear God,
Please give us the boldness to speak truths that need to be heard.  Thank you for your goodness.

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