Monday, October 25, 2010

Why homeschooling is so good

I went grocery shopping this morning.  I didn't have to take any of the littles, as all the children were home and could take care of everything.  It began raining quite hard on my way home and was still raining when I got home.  When I pulled into the driveway, my nine year old daughter was waiting for me with an umbrella to escort me into the house.  The boys brought in the groceries and put them away while I had lunch.

The children do school at home.  But they also live here at home during the day, serving and doing things that need to be done.  They aren't where they can't be available to their siblings or to us.  They have the freedom to take care of more important things than school work because they are home.  God designed families to serve each other and I'm so grateful that my children are learning to do that and not in an artificial environment where they are learning to serve themselves.  God's command for parents to teach their children all day long sure benefits the entire family.  Thank you, Lord, for showing us what our responsibilities are as parents and for blessing us with our children.


Joel, Jes and the rest said...

So glad to see you back here....and super glad Chris is home!! Praise God!
Missed you,

G family said...

It's great to see new posts from you. I've checked in the past few weeks and wondered how you were doing.
As for the homeschooling, I'm so glad that God crossed our paths back in Hawaii so that He could use you to introduce us to homeschooling. Your family remains an example to us even across the many many miles.
Love you guys!

Freida said...

Your family still continues to encourage us by your willingness to follow God's leading, right when He shows you the way. We love you guys, too!