Friday, October 29, 2010

Baby is 33 weeks

This baby is still super active so I guess there's still plenty of room to grow.  I feel that I am impossibly huge already but I know my belly's just going to get bigger.  I wasn't really sure how baby is lying until I came across this very handy website on belly mapping.  I think my baby is positioned either Left Occiput Anterior or Left Occiput Transverse.  That just means that the baby is lying on my left side, head down.  These are good positions for baby to be in for labor so I'm praying that baby will stay put. 

1 comment:

Kimberline said...


How beautiful, how wonderful, how lovely you are with your wonderful round belly. I'm so excited for you!

I remember so fondly how we would chat late at night when you were waiting for Noble to be born. What a wonderful time of friendship and encouragement that was for me.

I've been in touch much less with this baby, but you are in my thoughts and prayers just as often as you were with the last pregnancy and birth. It is such a joy to see you adding to your family.

Continue to take good care of yourself and your family as you wait to hear of where you will be moving (if you are moved.) Know that my prayers will follow you where EVER you go!

Rub your beautiful tummy and tell your baby that I am sending it blessings. I believe that God has big plans for the children raised in the Christian Home Schooling families. I think we are raising up a very important generation for the Lord. So I pray for your children and for the one in your womb that they are strong for their time of calling from the Lord.

Hi baby!!!! Love you so dearly, my friend!
