Sunday, March 8, 2009

Culture of Death

I have been wanting to buy the Duggar's book and went online to see where I should buy it from. I really should not have been surprised at the venom and loathing I read about this family on a blog. They were accused of being 'fundies'. Well, is that really so bad? It really could be taken as a compliment. All it takes, these days, to be labelled a 'fundie', is to have high moral standards and to live according to the Bible. Actually, it doesn't even take that. The fact that our girls choose to wear dresses will get us branded us legalists. Does anyone even know what this word means? I don't think so. The girls and I choose to wear dresses because they're pretty. Thy're feminine looking and don't emphasize our hips and bottoms like pants do. I like to wear skirts because they are very comfortable. Our clothes help us to remember to sit in a ladylike way and to behave with decorum. So no, we don't wear jeans because we prefer to wear feminine and modest looking clothes. Not because we're working our way to heaven. But maybe because we reject feminism. We reject that women should be just like men. We embrace childbearing and homemaking as God-honoring and fulfilling. Feminism demands equal pay. The rewards from staying home and raising my own children cannot be compared to any amount of monetary gain. Feminism demands a voice. I prefer going to my husband. Feminism demands the separation of love and procreation. Feminism is selfish. It is what is taught at government schools. It is the pervasive view of our country. 'Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen' is a repugnant idea to our society, but to us it's funny because I am almost always barefoot and have been pregnant 7 times. And we practically live in the kitchen. (Because the chocolate is in the pantry.) Before feminism took root in this land of the free, the Duggars would not have been vilified. Why would they? The US is indeed a free country, without limits on the number of children can family can have. But times have changed and there is no stigma for the woman who has abortions. How can I be more politically correct? If a woman chooses not to bear an infant in her body, she certainly is entitled not to. On the other hand, if a woman chooses to not tamper her body with chemical drugs, which are abortificient in nature, or prematurely and surgically alters her reproductive organs to be 'broken' (synonymous with fixed), she will be derided and ridiculed. Ours is a culture of death. Life is not celebrated. Marriage covenants are broken as easily as they are made. God bless the Duggars who are counter-culture. I will buy the book because I'm sure it will be an interesting read. I expect I will be challenged and edified.

I may need to edit what I wrote about feminism taking root in this country. Feminism, of course, had its beginning in the Garden of Eden. Eve could've hidden behind her husband for protection from the devil, but she was bold and she was deceived. And not content with her own sin, she drew her husband in as well. Previously, I had erroneously thought that Adam sinned because he loved Eve and didn't want to separated from her. What is love when one knowingly disobeys God? Moral of the story: When a woman falls, she drags her man along with her. I pray tha Max, Lucas, Josiah, Noah and Noble, will choose wisely the women who will do them good and not evil all the days of their lives. If there's a hint of feminism at work in her, you can be sure to find pride lurking underneath.

All this to say that what's pleasing to God is sure not to be pleasing to man.

1 comment:

Reeder said...

Have you tried your local library? There were several copies at ours.