Saturday, September 4, 2010

Baby is 25 weeks

I'm up to 102 pounds and my belly definitely shows it!  My babies always sit low so breathing is never an issue but I do feel pressure in my pelvic area and much more so as I get nearer to birth.

While I am not comfortable with having anyone other than my immediate family at my births, I am considering having this birth videotaped by one of our older children.  I think it may be a blessing to this child when s(he) becomes an adult or maybe it may help one of our children's spouses to understand more about homebirths if they don't know much about it.  I think I will see how I feel about it when labor begins...maybe if the videotaping could be so unobtrusive as to not make me feel inhibited, it may happen.  Maybe my husband might not be comfortable with the idea of our intimate birth captured on video.  Sometimes my husband has reservations in areas I don't and vice versa.

At the grocery store today, an acquaintance asked to watch the birth of our baby.  I explained about how private and intimate it is to us but that there was the possibility of a video.  If a video of our birth could help others while not intruding into our privacy, then I think I'm up for it. 

Here are some internet links to homebirth information:
(What a wonderful opportunity this seminar would be for those interested in becoming a midwife or a doula!)

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