Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Noble is growing up

My milk is gone.  I am in my 12th week of pregnancy so that's not too bad, I think.  Noble has done a tolerable job in accepting that his nursing days have come to an end.

I have tried to transition him as slowly as I could.  I was nursing him really only in the mornings and evenings and sometimes before his nap.  This morning I didn't nurse him when he woke up.  It was a bit hard on him but he didn't fuss for long.  We had breakfast and then he was fine.  He fussed longer before he'd take his nap without being nursed but he did fall asleep after a bit.  Tonight was the best it could've been.  He fussed for only a tiny bit and then just lay next to me.  I thought that he'd miraculously fallen to sleep in record time.  But he was still awake.  When he saw that I was looking at him, he grinned at me.  And then he drifted off to sleep.  So very very sweet.

If my milk hadn't stopped, I probably would still be nursing him.  God works all things in His perfect timing.  I don't think I'm going to miss nursing Noble that much.  He's much more independent than Noah was and can be away from me longer.  It's been a wonderful nursing relationship and I'm glad that the weaning process was as fast as it was and not too painful for either of us. 

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