Monday, March 15, 2010

Everyone can do magic

"The pediatrician's wanton prescription of powerful drugs indoctrinates children from birth with the philosophy of 'a pill for every ill'."... "Doctors are directly responsible for hooking millions of people on prescription drugs. They are also indirectly responsible for the plight of millions more who turn to illegal drugs because they were taught at an early age that drugs can cure anything - including psychological and emotional conditions - that ails them. " - Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D., How to Raise a Healthy Child...In Spite of Your Doctor.

All it takes is popping a pill.  It makes your headache go away.  Never mind that death by analgesics (over the counter pain killers such as aspirin and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) is the 15th most common cause of death in America.  (From the Associated Press, 1999.)  Immediate relief from any kind of discomfort that life has to offer can be bought and voila! Magic that you can perform on yourself.

It seems that all the pharmaceutical industry has to do is to market a drug and the populace will buy it and alter their bodies according to what the money making head magicians think up. 

Take a magic pill and you do not have to have children.  What relief!  Married, not married, what does it matter.  Planning is what's important.  If you don't plan to have children, you can have love (I'm being discreet here) and not its God-designed results.  You can have your cake and eat it, too.  Does it get any better than that?  Yes.  The head magicians are never satisfied with the status quo.  They know that if they conjure up another magic pill to get rid of the nuisance of a conceived child, people will buy it too.  Did they ever think that people will be put off by this act of murder?  No, the original magic pill that took care of that desire not to have children has paved the road so smoothly, another pill designed to kill rolls easily by. 

Plan B is now available for free for military women.  Isn't the name of this pill hiliarious?  Plan A = don't get pregnant.  When that fails, Plan B = stronger magic pill.  Just more planning.  If our nation is content to send our women to battle, the next step surely is to make them like men.  Men don't have babies, neither should military women.  Plan B to do more magic. 

Someone I'll graciously not name said, If you don't like your circumstances, change them.  The magicians know that this is what people want.  They are clever.  Their magic sells and people don't even question the morality of any of their ways. 

The sad truth is that every drug has consequences, more than it's intended ones.  The deadliest  consequence of all is that the magic is fake and our souls will reflect that.  Instead of learning to seek God and his infinite wisdom, we want to take the easy way out and alleviate every twinge of pain and inconvenience.  God has the answers for us.  And they are not found in the form of pharmaceutical magic pills.  The Bible is sufficient for all of life.  Search the Scriptures and you will find the answer to combat the magicians.  Wives, accept your calling to bear children.  Husbands, lead your family away from the world's ways and reject those magic pills that alter God's design.


Joel, Jes and the rest said...

Wonder what Plan C will be....or do we dare ask? Hmm....wonder if I could take a pill that would get me pregnant? I'll bet that isn't on anyone's agenda to develop :) But I might buy it in bulk! :) Have a lovely day Freida!

Kimberline said...


Thought you would want to see the video showing the tugging, twisting, pulling on a baby at birth. I was almost ill at one point to see a doctor turning the baby's head completely backwards because she couldn't tell which direction the body was facing. OH my word, they are hurting our children!